Semmering Railway - 5

The Semmering Railway - this is part 5 of the presentation.

Also available are from north to south part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4; anniversary 150 years and a gallery with winter images. For geographical orientation click on the area map symbol left!

This final summer time gallery deals with the section between the south exit of the Semmering tunnel and the southern end of the ramp section at Muerzzuschlag.

It is obvious, that the landscape surrounding the Styrian south ramp significantly differs from the northern ramp section. The border to Lower Austria is at the Semmering pass. In contradiction to the gorges in the north, here we have some kind of smooth hilly landscape.

Therefore spectacular viaducts or tunnels are not existing here. Nevertheless also this section has its specific charm and a line presentation - without - would not be complete.

By the way, also here a hiking trail along the rail tracks was opened in 2004. It starts at the Semmering station and ends at the Kulturbahnhof in Muerzzuschlag.

Have a lot of fun exploring more of the Semmering line now...

  Now the southern tunnel exits. Left a push loco supporting a freight train disappears, and at the right a second train appears deep in the hole at the same time. I was lucky to catch such situation. The old tunnel is built totally straight, the new one is bent. The top of the old left tunnel portal is still a construction of Ghega (5/2004).  

A long straight uphill section has to be climbed before the last curve in front of the tunnel is reached. The turnout left belongs to the southern in feed station for electrical energy (Transformer 110 kV to 15kV) (5/2004).

  The map shows, immediately behind the Semmering station the main tunnel chains on. Then the line descends and on the way to Muerzzuschlag still two stations are passed any more, first Steinhaus and then Spital am Semmering. (top of page)  

In May 2004 this interstate highway section was still under construction. Both highway tunnels were built crossing the Semmering line one floor below. In the background right the highway portal. An Intercity train headed by a Gysev Taurus is going downhill (5/2004).


Of course, the series of former rail attendant buildings continues in the south too. Today they are used by private persons. In April when the vegetation was still winter like, this image was taken from an opposite slope. A bit delayed, train EN 234 "Allegro Toska" passes this location at 7:50 on its way to Vienna (4/2005).

  The Steinhaus viaduct is the first track building downhill the south ramp (also see title). The shot was made from a skiing hill opposite to the viaduct. Unfortunately the main subject is shaded by a "photo cloud"… (5/2005). (top of page)  
  Once again the Steinhaus viaduct, but from an opposite side view. A train is on tour uphill. Between 1917 and 1958 a small 600 mm gauge forest railroad was in steam operation here, transporting wood to the main line. It first passed the arch in front, then turned left and reached the former loading zone at the opposite end of the viaduct (5/2005).  
  Behind Steinhaus the last of the impressive Semmering viaducts, the Holzergraben viaduct is located. An intercity headed by class 1044 is going uphill. Opposite to this viaduct a new interstate exit was built in 2004. The old highway passes two of the viaduct's arches (5/2004).  
  The Jauern viaduct bridges the Jauern creek. The mountains in the background are the Sonnwendstein with the antennas left, then the Erz- and Peterbauerkogel and finally the Hocheck at right. The train will pass the Spital am Semmering station in a few minutes (6/2005). (top of page)  
  Despite here the main object is shaded by a "photographic cloud" too, one may easily recognise the changed landscape style compared with the north ramp. "Allegro Stradivari" from Venice passes a construction section and some of the passengers maybe enjoy the colourful meadows when passing (6/2005).  
  Like many other stations, the Spital am Semmering station is equipped with 3 tracks. A commuter train which had stopped here is starting uphill this moment. Steering of the loco at train's end is performed remotely from the front carriage (6/2005).  
  The different scales of inclination between countryside and station area are easily visible on this image, showing a freight train approaching the Spital am Semmering station. The indirect illumination produces some kind of dramatic impression (4/2005). (top of page)  

The station entry points of Spital am Semmering, before the inclination is about 25 ‰. The view is compressed by using a tele lens. In the meantime Taurus locos are that frequently in operation that one already would prefer more variation in traction (4/2005).

  A train just of locomotives! Eight engines, 90 tons each, in summary about compact 700 tons, are climbing uphill. I met such compositions several times, mainly on Sundays around noon. Obviously they are dedicated for Vienna main station (5/2005).  
  I think, the square format better fits with this image than a rectangular. A vintage class 4010 train (built in the 60s) quietly drives uphill. From this position, the resistors of the brake system are visible on the roof of engine # 021 (5/2005). (top of page)  
  Now we're already approaching Muerzzuschlag. After the right bend visible, a final straight section will follow before the station area is approached. Shuttle compositions like this are today in commuter operation between Muerzzuschlag and Wiener Neustadt (6/2005).  

Now a slight panorama image. This is the announced final straight downhill section, then a RRX follows and finally a left turn enters the terminal station of this presentation (5/2005).

  Main subject: a freight train with class 1044; sub subject: down right some high speed track switch. This type generally has an extended length and the switchblades are shifted compulsorily at several positions. The loco will enter the ramp section in a few moments (5/2005). (top of page)  

First impression: few railway; second impression: a lot of railway, but in the background. View direction from east to west. In front of us, the area of the former railroad hub Muerzzschlag is visible, former because a branch line to Neuberg was terminated few years ago (5/2005).

  This one shows the Muerzzuschlag area. The wide angel lens enlarges the loco in the foreground and all waggons in the back look very very small and far away (5/2003).  
  Muerzzuschlag station from the track side. In the background the station building, in the middle the platforms with two trains. The intercity is departing to Vienna while the oldtimer train headed by 1010.003 has still a bit to wait for departure (6/2004). (top of page)  
  Now something new: a new talent appeared, a commuter train named "Talent". On track 5 at right the electrically powered railcar is visible. 4024 is the class number of these low floor articulated railcars. Trains which are operated using these units are called Sprinter (6/2005).  
  Muerzzuschlag, we see platform 2, track 3. In the background the area of the former running sheds. About 50 years ago when looking in this direction, one would really have seen two separate steam loco sheds, but today only some locos for double head operation are visible, waiting for the next job (6/2005).  
  This is the former locomotive maintenance area. The steamer left in the foreground is today part of the Kulturbahnhof exhibition. In this area nowadays E locos wait for new double head requests. Often 6 to 8 engines are present (5/2004). (top of page)  
  During the steam decades Muerzzuschlag was home of several steam machines. The shown turntable plus the roundhouse is a relict of those times. It is still used sometimes today (5/2003).  
  Green - yellow Taurus locos of Gysev class 1047 we have seen already. This one is a new version (at reporting date). This is one of five Oebb Taurus engines which are rent to Gysev for 20 years. Gysev is the Hungarian abbreviation of Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurt railway. We see platform 1 Track 1 (6/2005).  
  Talent adieu, one may think. The articulated train departs Muerzzuschlag in direction south west. Checking the track mess in the foreground one may recognize, that all turnouts have position tags. Obviously these tags are important for orientation when shunting tasks are performed (6/2005).
(top of page)

Here my regular presentation ends. The line continues rather flat passing the Muerz valley until "Bruck an der Mur", which is the next railroad hub.

Navigation: rail world select - Semmering: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - 150 years - winter

Last Update: August 2005 - send me an email
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